Welcome to the Rocking CA. Kick your boots off, grab a beverage and stay a while. There's a little sea, some air and a lot of land to cover. I'm glad you're here!


Select a subject, below, in order to view available artwork and products.


Poise and Grace Out of control.. Incoming On the Skagit.. Establishing Dominance Spanish Moss Kung fu fighting Floating on air.. Turn and burn.. Dive, dive, dive..


Rugged Splendor Poise and Grace Out of control.. Uphill battle On the Skagit.. Bobby Socks Crystal Lake Sunrise Broken Arch Broken Arch Monochrome Half dome sunset


Out of control.. Backside of Broken Arch Broken Arch Broken Arch Monochrome Half dome sunset El Cap Wall Street Elephant Butte Turn and burn.. Dive, dive, dive..


Rugged Splendor Winter is coming Location, location, location In the stream.. What a pair Simplicity in White Desolation Lone Tree Bobby Socks The Magpie


Winter is coming Rugged Splendor Tighter shades Location, location, location In the stream.. T.A. Moulton Barn The lookout.. King of the mountain Bobby Socks Shades of spring


Wall street Backside of Broken Arch Broken Arch Wall Street Still Standing Dead Horse Canyon Teardrop Arch Broken Arch Monochrome


Arizona Sunrise Wall street Wearing the crown Broken Arch Broken Arch Monochrome Teardrop Arch Canyon Slot Canyon


Rugged Splendor Tighter shades Location, location, location In the stream.. The lookout.. King of the mountain The heater Shades of spring


Sanibel dreams The dream Mother Ocean Spoonbill.. Squaking.. Spoonbill hunting.. White Ibis Cattle Egret

Yellowstone National Park

The pair.. Playmates What a pair Simplicity in White Desolation Lone Tree Posing Coyote


Cowgirl sunrise Arizona Sunrise Crystal Lake Sunrise Cowgirl silhouette Overwatch The brown eyed girl Sepia sunrise Waiting on sunrise

West Virginia

Elakala Falls #1 Blackwater Falls Flowing Blackwater Falls Lindy Point Sunset Blackwater falls Elekala falls Blackwater Falls


Walkers Walker.. Wall street Tools of the trade Cowgirl sunrise Broken Arch Monochrome Long may she wave The herd, color.. Cowgirl silhouette Waiting on sunrise Sepia sunrise


Poise and Grace Wall street Tools of the trade Incoming Bobby Socks Serinity Lovebirds Spanish Moss Overwatch The brown eyed girl


Establishing Dominance Blackwater Falls Flowing Blackwater Falls Blackwater falls El Cap Kung fu fighting Elekala falls Blackwater Falls Mother Ocean Spoonbill..


It's a fluke.. Dive.. Almost.. Spoonbill.. Squaking.. Spoonbill hunting.. White Ibis Cattle Egret Surface Tension Sanibel dreams

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16

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